Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


vslCodeVessel Code

vslCode=VesselCode sets the Vessel Code parameter.

This is a required parameter for this action; value is controlled using datashed.exe --rvFilter argument.
voyNoVoyage Number

voyNo=VoyageNo sets the Voyage Number parameter.

This is a required parameter for this action; value is controlled using datashed.exe --rvFilter argument.

Snapshot Type

snapshotType=any available IMOS snapshot type; the action will select only snapshots of that type.
For example, snapshotType=current sets the data to be taken from the voyage's current snapshot.

Insert excerpt
IMOS - P&L Tab - Voyage Manager
IMOS - P&L Tab - Voyage Manager


snapshot:any combination of the following:

  • E
  • A
  • P

dataSource=snapshot:any combination of (E)stimated, (A)ctual, or (P)osted to output a single snapshot XML file per type.
For example, dataSource=snapshot:EAP triggers output for Estimate, Actual, and Posted P&L data.


One of the following:

  • true
  • false
  • blank

deltaOnly=true exports the P&L XML only if the snapshot of the specified dataSource type has changed.
Example: If the dataSource is set to A,E,P and only the Estimated P&L snapshot has changed, it will only export the Estimated snapshot.

deltaOnly=false or blank exports the P&L XML.


One of the following:

  • true
  • false
  • blank

voypnlNotificationXml=true creates Voyage P&L output XML in the summary format of voypnl notification message, using the same output format and tags as the voypnl XML generated by manually saving the voyage from the Voyage Manager.

voypnlNotificationXml=false or blank uses the default format.

outputFolder\path\to\directoryThe path to the preferred output location.
For example, outputFolder=C:\temp outputs the snapshot XML into the C:\temp directory. 

One of the following:

  • snapshot
  • summary
  • details

The format of the XML output:

  • format=snapshot outputs a voypnl XML file with line-item detail of the Voy Pnl.
  • format=summary (default) outputs a PNLINFO XML file with condensed details of the Voy Pnl.
  • format=details outputs a PNLINFO XML file with condensed details of the Voy Pnl in a special format. It cannot be used with voypnlNotificationXml.
